What do you think about your body? Do you think about your body? If not, why not? You use your body all day, much more than you use a car or a bike, more than you use a computer. Your body is what allows you to do the things you enjoy. It’s worth thinking about.
Read MoreDo you think about how you move, or is it simply something that happens? Do you think about how you move through your day? Try right now. How do you think about yourself? How do you move? What’s the quality of your movement? What’s the intent behind your movement?
Read MoreSo many people (including me) have been getting sick lately and coughing up a storm! Did you know how you cough makes a difference on how you feel and how effective your cough is? Coughing with better body mechanics will help keep you out of pain and get that stuff stuck in your lungs OUT!
Read MoreThis subject is a struggle for many of my students, and perhaps it is for you as well: how do you love your body that’s imperfect? How do you love your body that’s in pain or discomfort? How do you love your body that’s not meeting your expectations?
Read MoreYour mind can go into the future and the past but your body cannot. – Bruce Fertman
If you are doing something, any kind of activity (for instance reading this) and your thoughts are enmeshed in the past or the future, your body will be left behind.
Read MoreDo you ever find yourself worried or frustrated that you’re experiencing pain when you’ve barely been doing anything? Like that pain shouldn’t be happening because all you did was lift a small box, or go to a meeting, or walk downstairs? That’s probably not all you’ve been doing.
Read MoreAs you’re reading this are you aware of your breath? Are you aware of your ribs moving? Are you aware of your breath moving through your body?
Read MoreHave you heard this joke:
Person A: Hey, when are you going to fix that hole in your roof?
Person B: When it rains it’s too wet to fix. When it’s dry it’s just as good as any other roof.
It feels good to move, doesn’t it? How easily you can forget that. If you’ve been sitting for most of the day and, for no reason at all, get up and go for a walk, do you find your mood changing? That’s because it feels good to move!
Read MoreWhen life is getting to you, when you've had a rough day, or week, or month, and you're feeling it emotionally or physically in the form of pain, an outside voice is a wonderful lifeline. If you're getting trapped in that cycle of confusion, pain or blah, another voice can break through and guide you out.
Read MorePain freakin’ sucks. Pain can also be a damn good teacher, if you know how to learn the lesson. But many people I meet are stuck in their pain. Back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, chest pain, abdominal pain, pain pain PAIN! AHHH! Get out of your pain. Move beyond it.
Read MoreI’m walking and it’s a cold day. Because it’s cold I’m walking in a different way than I would when it’s warm. There are subtle differences in my gait that come from being fluid and adapting to the current situation.
Read MoreAre you interested in building a stronger and longer lasting friendship with your body? Interested in developing yourself as a whole person—body, mind and emotions? Would you like better control of your body? Would you like to live more fully in your being? Do you feel physically or emotionally stuck? Do you enjoy exploring?
Read MoreWhen you come to my Alexander Technique, Pilates, yoga or mindfulness classes I’ll tell you I don’t care what you do during your time with me. I’ll advise you to do whatever you need in the moment. I’ll encourage you to make your own choices. I don’t like to set rules in my class; I prefer to break rules. I won’t demand anything of you. I don’t like to say what you have to do.
Read MoreIt’s almost too simple. Just lie down. Well, not just, I can add on a little bit more, but essentially, lie down.
Read MoreMovement is good for you; exercise is good for you. Are we agreed on that? Great. Movement can help your mood. There are plenty of articles on how movement is good for your emotions, how movement and exercise can help depression and anxiety. What sort of movement/exercise do you practice?
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